최신 소식

레이싱 장비에 대한 최신 소식

title: iRacing 로고거친펜촉 2013-01-10 12:52:22
6 3046


We have fixed the fan issue on FW 756 and released 757 for the CSR Elite wheel. There is no other change than that.

There are comments that this version works with that game better and the other fw version with the other game.

Force feedback is to a high degree a matter of taste and also highly depends on what the game developers do with it. It is almsot impossible to make a version which is perfect for everybody and every game. We give you a choice so you can decide if you want to keep an older version or go with the latest one.

"Latest" does not automatically mean better for some people and if you are happy with your wheel then I would recommend not to change anything.

Please note that you must follow the the instructions carefully. Installation on Windows 8 will work.

Make sure that you bind your wheel and calibrate the shifter and center position after the firmware update.



Please make sure you use driver version 144 or higher with this firmware.

Download firmware 756 for CSR E

Download driver 144 64

Download driver 144 32


얼마전 올라왔던 엘리트 휠 756 펌웨어가 팬 컨트롤 문제로 픽스 되었습니다.

버전은 757 입니다.

출처 : http://www.911wheel.de/?q=node/9466


title: iRacing 로고거친펜촉 2013-01-10 오후 13:19

댓글 쓴거 또 안보임;;;

본문 글은 스펨 필터 걸려서 데미갓님의 보은 아래 무려 세번만에 성공한 글 ㅠㅠ


title: 그란 로고마사초 2013-01-10 오후 15:18

가끔 글올릴때 스팸으로 걸리드라고요..;;


title: GTK 로고까칠렉스 2013-01-10 오후 13:41

756 올리신분들은 꼭 펌업 해주셔야할듯 합니다


title: RK WRC 로고REE-Quattro 2013-01-10 오후 15:44

영어는 패스~

jin0424 2013-01-10 오후 17:09

756과 파일의 이름 뿐 아무런 변화가 없다는 것이죠?

지금 설치해보니 757로만 나올 뿐 756과 마찬가지로 팬온오프기능은 없네요.


title: iRacing 로고거친펜촉 2013-01-10 오후 21:13

756에서 전원 키면 팬속도 최고로 돌던게
757 올리니까 이전처럼 조용히 도네요.

다른건 바뀐게 없는듯 ㅎㅎ

CSR Elite wheel Firmware 757 file

We have fixed the fan issue on FW 756 and released 757 for the CSR Elite wheel. There is no other change than that. There are comments that this version works with that game better and the other fw ve...

title: iRacing 로고거친펜촉 2013-01-10 12:52 3046 0 6